How to write content to win featured snippets

Posted: October 05, 2021

How to write content to win featured snippets

Featured snippets are the informational content that shows up in Google’s SERPs immediately after the sponsor posts and ads. The good news is that everyone can get those snippets and be featured at the top of Google search page. However, they should know how to optimize their content accordingly. Here are some tips on how to get the snippets and boost your way up to the Google search:

  1. Featured snippets are meant to be informational so is your content. Your content must be on point. There is no space for useless information that would distract readers that come to see the content that you own. Does your content answer the user’s question better than other pages? If that’s so, there is a chance that Google’s search algorithm, searching from millions of sites, found your website. Being the best answer will give you the featured snippet, so people would get their questions answered.
  2. Creating good content is not good enough if you want to be on the top. Your content must be superb! Google has its own ranking system, and you, as a content writer, should get check on all of them if you want to be the best. Your content needs to be: extremely high quality, entertaining, comprehensive, and user-focused. You shouldn’t get obsessed with those criteria and getting the featured snippet. However, you should still produce top-quality content to bring your audience to you. People won’t stay for long if the content you offer isn’t engaging.
  3. Having and Q&A (Questions-and-Answers) dedicated page could be a huge help in winning a featured snippet. As mentioned in the first tip, Google’s search algorithm looks for the best answer to users’ questions. Make sure to put all relevant questions on your Q&A page and give the best possible answers to them. Don’t be afraid to provide links to the answers if that’s necessary. This could seriously boost your chances of getting to the front page of Google!

Featured snippets are the way of online exposure. By understanding how Google and featured snippets work, you can easily craft content that wins them so easily. Having an amazing content that no one knows about could be demotivating. However, with the help of featured snippets, your amazing content can be on the top of Google search. These tips will help you to boost your website, full of incredible content, to the top.